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Hello everyone! My birthday is coming soon and I decided to share with you some of the pieces I have on my wishlist. What do you think?


Olá! O meu aniversário é já na próxima semana e por isso decidi partilhar convosco algumas das coisinhas que fazem parte da minha wishlist! O que vos parece? 



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49 comentários

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De Jo a 22.02.2016 às 21:53

Great!! Gosto de tudo nesta lista, lindo!

>> <<
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De Katie a 08.02.2016 às 17:24

Amazing list! Some gorgeous things, that bag is to die for :) :)

Katie xox
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De martina a 08.02.2016 às 10:30

How many nice things!
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De Miss Baby Blue a 08.02.2016 às 10:03

I want Michael Kors watch and also Mac lipstick, you have great taste!

M new post is on the blog so please check it out if you can! Thanks :*
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De Marina a 08.02.2016 às 09:47

:)) My Bday isn't coming up for another 5 months, but if it was now I'd be wishing for the same thing! Except Nikes, not New Balance.
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De Jane a 08.02.2016 às 07:21

Love your picks!
xo, Jane
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De islandchic77 a 08.02.2016 às 05:32

I love these sneakers
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De Nádia a 08.02.2016 às 01:41

Que coisas tão boas! O relógio MK é qualquer coisa :)
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De Yulia a 07.02.2016 às 23:29

What a beautiful wishlist! I am absolutely in love with New Balance shoes; I think I will never have enough of them, lol. And Michael Kors watch will definitely make any outfit more chic:) Thank you for sharing!
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De Radi a 07.02.2016 às 21:16

I love it! My favorite are the MK watch, the lipstick and the bag!
Happy Birthday!

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